Bellen Lab

Liping Wang

Liping Wang

BS, Shanghai Ocean University, China
MS, University of Southern California, Los Angeles

Research Interests

The role of sphingolipid metabolism and endolysosomal dysfunction in neurodegenerative diseases, including Parkinson's disease (PD), is not well understood. My research is focused on the mitochondrial protein Pink1, retromer components Vps26, Vps29, and Vps35, and phospholipase PLA2G6, which are all implicated in PD or Parkinsonism. By utilizing genetic recombinase and the T2A-Gal4 system, I seek to understand sphingolipid metabolism alterations induced by loss of each of these genes. By understanding sphingolipid metabolism alterations in PD-associated mutants, I hope to discover novel pathogenic pathways of PD.


Ye H, Ojelade SA, Li-Kroeger D,Zuo Z, Wang L,Y Li, Gu JYJ, Tepass U, Rodal AA, Bellen HJ, Shulman JM (2020) Retromer subunit, VPS29, regulates synaptic transmission and is required for endolysosomal function in the aging brain. eLife 9:e91577.  [Abstract]
Lin G, Wang L, Marcogliese PC, Bellen HJ (2018) Sphingolipids in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease and parkinsonism. Trends in Endocrinology & Metabolism 30:106-117.  [Abstract]
Lin G, Lee PT, Chen K, Mao D, Tan KL, Zuo Z, Lin WW, Wang L, Bellen HJ (2018) Phospholipase PLA2G6, a Parkinsonism-associated gene, affects Vps26 and Vps35, retromer function, and ceramide levels, similar to alpha-Synuclein gain.. Cell Metabolism 28:605-618.  [Abstract]
Geng J*, Wang L*, Lee JY, Chen CK, Chang KT (2016) Phosphorylation of synaptojanin differentially regulates endocytosis of functionally distinct synaptic vesicle pools. Journal of Neuroscience 36:8882-8894. (*equal contribution) [Abstract]

Last Modified 12-04-2023

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