RMCE Line CR70483

Parental MI Line:

Insertion Gene(s) Affected Location Position Phase
unknown: []intergenic

RMCE Line:

InsertionGene TargetPhaseMethodDonor Chr.Tag
y[1] w[1118]; TI{DH.0}JYalpha[CR70483-DH.PT-GFSTF.0]/In(4)ci[D], ci[D] pan[ciD]JYalpha0crossing4EGFP-FIAsH-StrepII-TEV-3xFLAG

LethalityFails to
homozygous lethal 

Weak eGFP expression in 3rd instar larval brain, ventral cord, leg & wing disks (GFP green, FasII red; movie available from FCRP).

Donor: Stuart Newfeld, Arizona State University; Donor''s Source: Fourth Chromosome Resource Project (FCRP)

BDSC Stock No.

Images (antibody staining)

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